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Sunday, June 6, 2021

My Rainbow Baby 🌈

 Wow! It’s been far too long since I’ve written anything. To say my life took another course would be an understatement. I have been focused on going back to school and I’m proud to say I have my bachelors degree and most recently earned my masters degree in social work. I have been working as a therapist for the past two years. Over the past year, the urge and desire to have another child has grown stronger and stronger. Maybe due to my age and realizing that that window is closing. Several months ago, I decided to start tracking my ovulation. Going back about two years, I found out that I have polycystic looking ovaries and possibly PCOS. This was some discouraging information that made me put my babymaking actions on the side. 

In April, I started tracking my ovulation and found that I had a regular cycle. Within the same month that I started tracking my cycle we started looking at donors. We found a donor through sperm bank and decided to just give it a go. We tracked her cycle using test strips and when we finally saw I was surging we ordered four vials and inseminated on four different days. Just two short weeks later, we got our first very faint positive on a first response. Wouldn’t you know it, the good ole first response. Unfortunately, that pregnancy resulted in a chemical. I was so discouraged and afraid that there may be underlying fertility issues that I considered giving up. However, I felt a strong urge to try again. So with my next cycle, on May 9th, we started tracking again only this time I purchased the Mira. The Mira gives you a specific number versus the test strips that you have to distinguish between a positive LH surge, which can be difficult. We also decided to go with fresh sperm from a private donor instead of frozen from the sperm bank. This cycle was coming on strong, so we moved our date up for insemination from 24th of May to the 21st. 

We flew our donor in from Arizona and inseminated on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and the 26th. Through the amazing use of the Mira, we were able to see that we actually ovulated on 26th of May. I started getting my first faint positive on a first response at 8DPO. At 10DPO  in the afternoon, we got our big fat positive and by later that evening got a positive on the digital. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. It’s hard to believe that with a 17-year-old, a 15-year-old, and a 14-year-old that I would be considering having another child and starting again. At the end of the day, what else is there in life? I’ve always loved being a mom. The rewards of seeing your child grow, knowing unconditional love, I’m leaving a lasting mark. I’m so excited to see what is in store for this new bundle of joy. However, I find myself full of fears that this pregnancy will end far before it’s time. 

All I can do is continue to test and pray that all goes well with this little blessing. I have set up my first prenatal visit for June 23rd at 6 PM. I have chosen to do a VBAC at home during a water birth using only a midwife. I’ve always dreamed of having a homebirth water delivery with no medication and all my family standing by. From what I’ve heard as feedback and medical reviews, I am a great candidate for VBAC. I am hopeful that I will be approved I will be able to have the birth I so desperately want. I intend to distract myself from all this worry by updating my blog frequently with our journey.